Updated style request: Journal of Wildlife Diseases

JWD seems to have changed its style...The author names are no longer all caps, there are no periods between author first name initials, and the journal names are supposed to use BIOSIS journal abbreviations and italicized. Is there any way it could be updated in Zotero?

Thank you.

  • Hi gang,

    This style has substantially changed and now follows the 7th edition of the Council of Science Editors.
    The most current one is the 8th edition, the style in the CSL repo is from 2015. Is that then the 7th edition?
  • I don't know -- CSE 8th edition came out in 2014, so could well be that. The documentation links are all dead. I'd also not assume that journals that claim to follow CSE do so particularly closely, at least in my experience.
  • Ok. I've just adapted the existing JWD style to fit their current references in papers. Shall we just leave it at that or make a dependent style out of it?
  • I'd leave it independent unless we're quite confident it's actually CSE and not just CSE-like.
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