new syncing problem

I have had a recurrence of an earlier problem but with a new twist -- a problem with syncing.

I have read the comments here:

The comments closest to describing my problem (but not actually doing that) are:

"If you're sure you're looking in the right place, check to see whether the data in question has synced to your online library on If it hasn't, the problem is on the computer where the data originated. If it has, the problem is on the computer missing the data."

I am looking in the right place. Here is my problem:

I and a colleague are making additions to my Zotero library. He has been adding tags, but I cannot see them - on either the website or in the app window that covers part of my browser. We are using identical log in information and both looking at the same library (actually, a sub-folder of my library). He sees the tags in both places. I did a reset today (erased the local data and drew the data back from the server). There was no change in the cirucmstances.

Any suggestions?
  • edited August 11, 2015
    Could you have your colleague create a new item for testing?

    It is basically impossible that you would see different things when logged into the same account online (failed sync could explain different views in the app), but I'd want to make sure this isn't to a weird tag-caching issue on the website.
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