Overriding et al. options?

I've run into a snag with the following rule in the style manual I am working from:
If a work has more than two authors, use the first author's name followed by "et al." unless the inclusion of other authors is particularly relevant.
(Emphasis added.) So the rule is to include all author names iff et al. would conceal someone who is important to the discussion, or whose name is necessary to signal the significance of the resource.

I tried setting this up as a conditional option in the header of the citation element. The CSL is invalid, and when run in Zotero, the conditional header declaration is ignored. So it looks like it's not currently possible to implement this, even through a hack ... ? If so, this will be a large item on the wish list when I tot up the errata for the style. The ideal for us would be to have a "show all authors" item in the GUI, as a companion to the "suppress author" toggle.

[Update: I've included this in a list of Bluebook desiderata. This immediate thread can be considered closed. I should correct myself here, though, by confessing that this is not a "large item".]
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