Doesn't import endnote file field

Hello there,

I'm trying to migrate to Zotero, but having issues with it. I have files linked to my records in endnote, but many of those links are broken. Still, I want those paths imported into Zotero. However, Zotero doesn't seem to be importing those paths, even though I tell it to import fields it doesn't recognize, etc. Any thoughts?

  • Since Zotero does not currently offer ability to import files as links, files actually have to exist in order for Zotero to import them. When it becomes possible to import files as links, we could consider importing broken links, but that won't be happening in the immediate future.
  • Yeah, I don't think getting Zotero to import broken file links is going to work, sorry.

    The only thing I can think of is if you get the Endnote Export filter to map them to an entirely different field (one of the custom ones, e.g.).
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