Author-date style with more than 26 references per author per year?
I've been asked to use an author-date citation style, so I've looked at APA and Harvard. Both styles sort references chronologically, assigning the publication year followed by an alphabetic letter as a unique identifier. This works fine if there are 26 references per author per year or fewer, as there's a unique letter available for every reference within any given year. However, with 27 references or more, once the 'z' has been assigned, this system falls down and Zotero gets confused.
Is there a solution to this problem other than not using an author-date style in the first place?
Is there a solution to this problem other than not using an author-date style in the first place?
Maybe the code is buggy?
Should I file a bug report, then?
I don't think these error reports have anything to do with the non-unique citation identifiers.
I'd expect the faulty behaviour to be reproducible in any bibliography that has 27 or more entries for any given author in any given year, so, as per point 3 of the basic instructions on reporting bugs, may I consider my bug report filed with this thread?
In my tests, the counting doesn't have a practical limit anymore (a is followed by b, b by c, z by aa, az by ba, zz by aaa, azz by baa, etc.). Let us know how it works!