Zotero keeps on asking to resolve same conflicts

Hi there,

on this computer, Zotero keeps on asking me to resolve five documents syncing issues. I clicked the "use local version for all", but the window keeps on appearing, stealing the focus.

What is the underlying issue, and the solution?
  • See here for an explanation of what's happening: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/repeated_conflicts
  • Here's the error ID: 447853011
  • What's the actual error message you're getting when you click the sync error icon, before you try to report errors?
  • I get this one while clicking the red exclamation point:

    La mise en ligne du fichier a échoué. Veuillez vérifier vos paramètres de synchronisation de fichier ou contacter l'administrateur de votre serveur WebDAV.

    HTTP 0

    Seems non-specific.
  • edited July 30, 2015
    PAC Execution Error: undefined is not a function []
    Are you connecting through a proxy server? HTTP 0 means your connections are being interrupted, and the error above (which isn't from Zotero) points to a problem in the proxy auto-configuration file in use. If you're not trying to use a proxy, disable all the options in your system proxy settings. If you are, check the settings, and perhaps ask your IT department to investigate the proxy auto-configuration file for errors.

    This could also be caused by security software on your computer, so you could try disabling that temporarily.

    Also, to clarify, are the repeated conflicts about files or about items?
  • I disabled the university's proxy I am required to use in order to access the documents. It was in Firefox, not system-wide. No other software is running on this computer. Exact same error message, and a new report ID, just in case:


    The IT department won't help: their official solution is to use EndNote.

    Curiously I don't get the conflicts issues now, but files probably aren't synced properly.
  • What WebDAV provider is this?

    As long as you're seeing the "HTTP 0" in the message, that means your connections are being interrupted, due to something on your computer, your network, or the WebDAV server, and there's nothing Zotero can do about that.
  • Externally hosted OwnCloud installation on personal server. Is there any specfic file pointed by the report?
  • If you provide a Debug ID I can take a look, but an error like this is unlikely to be related to a specific file.
  • Here is the debug ID: 8935503

    Fails with code 0. Is there a specific file?
  • Debug ID, not Report ID.
  • Here it is:
  • This isn't the interrupted connection, but it's another error you're getting, and it's unequivocally a server problem:
    (1)(+0055073): HTTP PUT https://[...]@websrv3.[...]/[...]/remote.php/webdav/zotero/DG5WAB77.prop failed: Unexpected status code 500

    (3)(+0000000): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
    <title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
    <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
    <p>The server encountered an internal error or
    misconfiguration and was unable to complete
    your request.
    You'll have to debug this yourself using your server logs. This isn't something we can help with.
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