Removing codes

If I try to remove the field codes, I am being asked to specify the document reference style. Isn't there any way that I can remove the codes w/o tampering with that? (I am using Z for Firefox on a PC)
  • you can save the Word File in an unsupported format (e.g. RTF), but also, why not just select a citation style?
  • I have set it to a certain style, but then altered it. If I change the citations tyle now, will I not lose my personal changes?
  • altered "it" being the style or the document? The document will ask you if you want to keep your changes.
  • "Altered it" as in made manual changes to each reference to make it fit a journal's particular standard. I need to submit this today. How can I remove the codes for good? If I save it as RTF and open the document in Word, the codes are still there.
  • How can I remove the codes for good? If I save it as RTF and open the document in Word, the codes are still there.
    that can't really be true. RTF can't store that information.

    Otherwise, have you tried selecting a citation style, and just choosing to keep your changes? You should be working with a copy, obviously, but then there's really no cost in just trying this out.
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