I have migrated from Biblioscape where I included URLS in my bibliography. Is this possible with Zotero (my URLS are imported from a ris file and are located in tags or nots)

Dr John Studley
  • Yes, Zotero can import URLs. The current RIS spec uses the 'UR' tag for these. If Biblioscape isn't following the current spec on export, you would need to edit the exported file or update their export functionality (and would need to contact them to learn how to do this).
  • Dear noksagt

    About 5 mins after I posted my questions I discovered that if I edited the URL field code from N1 to UR Zotero read it

    I also discovered that if I edited the Location field code from N1 to KW Zotero read it as a tag

    Although it was tedious going through re-editing I have sorted the problem


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