Duplicate Book Section/Changes Cited Author in Paper

I apologize if I missed seeing a response to the following problem:

I have taken the following steps:

1) I have imported data for a book from Amazon into Zotero in Firefox.
2) Then I duplicate the item, click on the newly created one (the copy that appears above), change it to a book section, and then add the title/author of the book chapter.
3) I then add my notes with citations to my paper for that chapter.
3) Then I duplicate that, click on the newly created entry (the one above), change the title/author for the next chapter, and continue to add my research notes with citation to my paper.

Recently, I have discovered that several of the citations I have included are attributed to a different chapter author in the book. The reason I included the detail that I click on the duplicated copy above is I'm worried that I may have been altering the data that was linked to the citation in my paper.

I'm pretty far into my paper (20,000 words and 250 sources), so I"m starting to panic. Am I doing something wrong, or is anyone else having this problem?
  • yeah, the most likely explanation is that you modified the original version, not the duplicate/copy. I'm not quite clear from what you write on how you distinguished between the two.

    You should easily be able to check this by looking at the "Date Added" Field/column.
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