New style: Earth and Planetary Science Letters

I'm writing a paper for EPSL and I'm using Zotero for the first time for citations and the reference list. Since there is no CSL for EPSL I decided to try and create one. It is a different style from typical Elsevier journals, and it is not fully described on the EPSL website:

This is only a first attempt, and will only correctly format journal articles and book chapters (the only references I am citing so far), not books or anything else.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="*checkout*/xbiblio/csl/schema/trunk/csl.rnc" type="compact"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" xml:lang="en">
<title>Earth and Planetary Science Letters</title>
<link href=""/>
<name>Brad De Gregorio</name>
<category term="geology"/>
<category term="author-date"/>

<macro name="author-bibliography">
<names variable="author">
<name sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " form="long" delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<macro name="author-citation">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" and="text" sort-separator=", " name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<macro name="year-date">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<macro name="title">
<text variable="title"/>
<macro name="editor">
<names variable="editor" delimiter=", ">
<name initialize-with=". " delimiter-precedes-last="always" sort-separator=", " name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<macro name="publisher-place">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<macro name="volume">
<text variable="volume"/>
<macro name="page">
<text variable="page"/>
<macro name="container-title">
<text variable="container-title" form="short"/>
<macro name="series-title">
<text variable="collection-title"/>

<option name="et-al-min" value="3"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="1"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-min" value="3"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-use-first" value="1"/>
<option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true"/>
<option name="collapse" value="year-suffix"/>
<key macro="year-date"/>
<layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
<group delimiter="; ">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="author-citation"/>
<text macro="year-date"/>
<text variable="locator"/>
<option name="hanging-indent" value="true"/>
<key macro="author-bibliography"/>
<key macro="year-date"/>
<text macro="author-bibliography" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="year-date" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title"/>
<if type="chapter">
<group prefix=", in: ">
<text macro="editor" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="container-title"/>
<text macro="series-title" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="volume" prefix=" "/>
<text macro="publisher" prefix=". " suffix=", "/>
<text macro="publisher-place" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="page" prefix="pp. " suffix="."/>
<text macro="container-title" prefix=". " suffix=" "/>
<text macro="volume" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="page" suffix="."/>
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