search notes

I like to make notes associated with papers (i.e., under a parent item, I have notes about that paper). I'd like to be able to search these notes for specific keywords that I am looking for. When I click on the search bar, there are options for "Title, Creator, Year", "All fields and tags", and "Everything".
It would be great if there was a an option for Notes. Does anybody know of a way to do this? If not it would be great if one of the great programmers out there could create this option.
Note that I am not using the most recent version (I'm using - because my employer makes it a pain to update), so I'm sorry if a search notes feature has already been added to Zotero.
Thank you,
  • Are you aware that _Everything_ includes notes?
  • Yes-Thank you. I have used _Everything_, but what I'm looking for is a function to search only _Notes_ and have the search ignore everything else.
    Thank you,
  • How about Advanced Search/ Note contains_______?
  • This is exactly what I was looking for. I did not realize there was an Advanced Search option.
    Thank you for your help!
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