Export all references (cited with Zotero) in a certain document (.doc or .odt) eg into RIS-file

Hi, I have several reasons why it would be important to me to export all the references that I have cited in a Word- or LibreOffice document into a RIS-file.
Did I get it right (according to this post: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/6552/extract-bibliography-from-document/ ) that there is no way to do that at the moment?
  • Essentially yes.
    There is a way to do this with juris-m (formerly MLZ/multilingual Zotero), but that does require installation of new software and probably some time to figure out, so would only be worth it if you're going to spend a significant amount of time doing this by hand otherwise.
  • Darn! I would need this too!
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