Different translators = different results

I have been trying Zotero for a few weeks and I think it has great potential.
However, I am worried about one aspect of it - as I look back at the bibliographical database I have been accumulating over the last couple of weeks I can see plenty of problems with uniformity/standardization. Specifically, fields such as Journal Abbreviation and page numbers seem to be filled differently (or in some cases left empty) by the different translators. Fine, you say, perhaps the solution is to stick to one search engine - say Pubmed - and just use that translator. Well, not quite. The translator for Pubmed changes with time and I see that two entries obtained from Pubmed have differences (one Journal Abbreviation has a period at the end, the other does not).
These inconsistencies will be annoying to fix later when the database grows larger.
Any ideas to mitigate this problem?
  • Oftentimes, the source data is not uniform, so you may get differences even when sticking with the same site & same version of a translator.
  • Future versions of Zotero will have batch editing features that will allow you to correct for these sorts of differences.
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