Numeric vancouver referencing and copy option with Word


Using zotero version
When I create a bibliography from a zotero collection and use the drag-and-drop Quick Copy option or Ctrl+Shift+C in Word, the numbers are aligned on the right (not the references) and seperated from the reference with a carriage return.
See an example here :

It doesn't occur when saving the bibliography as a rich text file (NB : until an update today ; before I met the same problem) or HTML file.

Furthermore it doesn't occur with wordpad.

Should I change something in the Word or Zotero settings ?
Anyway it's not a big deal as it works with wordpad or .rtf file, but I'm curious.

Thanks for your comments and help.
  • we're aware of that & it's due to a weirdness in how Word interacts with the clipboard. I don't believe you can easily fix this, though there may be some Word setting that does. In addition to RTF, the Zotero Word add-on also formats correctly.
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