syncing problem involving two computers/locations

I am having a problem with syncing. I have read the comments here:

The comments closest to describing my problem (but not actually doing that) are:

"If you're sure you're looking in the right place, check to see whether the data in question has synced to your online library on If it hasn't, the problem is on the computer where the data originated. If it has, the problem is on the computer missing the data."

I am looking in the right place. Here is my problem:

I and a colleague are making additions to my Zotero library. He has the correct count of items (about 1000 higher than mine) - on BOTH the website when he logs in (using my credentials) and on his computer. On my end, I don't have the accurate count in EITHER place - not even when I log into the same account. I have hit the sync button multiple times. The information for syncing under "preferences" is in there and accurate. I have no idea how to get my end corrected. What mystifies me most is the site discrepancy that emerges when both of us log in (at different times).

Any suggestions?

  • edited June 19, 2015
    If you're getting different item counts on the website, you're either not logged in under the same username or you're looking at a different item count (e.g. for having a collection selected vs. the whole library).

    The Zotero server doesn't know who of you is logging in at any given time (unless you're using different usernames), so it really is impossible that you'd be seeing different libraries online with the same log-in (differences in synced libraries are unlikely but conceivable.)

    My guess would be that you're using two different (perhaps similar?) logins. Let him send you the URL he sees when loooking at the library online and post that together with the one you're seeing here and we can take it from there.
  • Nope - the log in information is the same and we were both looking at the same library (actually, sub-library folder).

    For some reason, though, the problem resolved today. I tried a sync as usual, then just left the app open. Fifteen minutes later while I was working on something else, the syncing abruptly went into effect. Consequently, I guess the problem had something to do with my ISP - ? Not sure, and would like to know for future reference, but at least we're in sync now.

    Thanks for posting a response!
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