ID: 1417743706 Syncing errors - using two different computers

I am having trouble with syncing.
Using two computers on one it has stopped working and on both it gives me error messages:

1) It tells me that one of my files has been changed in a non-local Data cite (translating from German). The non-local verions have been maintained. It tells me to look into the Errorconsole (Fehlerkonsole), which I also cannot find.

2) the other - it complains on one computer that it Cannot move collection "cited by" into one of its own descendents. No idea what that means.

Help please!

  • Don't translate error messages — we need the exact, untranslated versions that you see on screen.

    Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces the error?
  • Thanks a lot Dan,
    I manged to fix it already. This "Cannot move collection "cited by" into one of its own descendents." was the original error message and turned out to be the source of my problems (why it did not sync anymore). Some time earlier I must have moved around folders on another computer causing this conflict. I used my non-local account with zotero to move folders around, renaming and taking out that subfolder "cited by" from its containing folder. Then it worked and in synced again.
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