File format of notes
I was wondering if there's a possibility to generate 'Notes' so they can be attached to an item and are a file at the same time, so they can be searched with other tools?
My current workflow is to edit a markdown file and generate an .html which I then attach to the item with the "attach link to file" and/or then copy and paste the html with the different highlighting into a 'Note' but if this could be done in one go would be the top of the skyline.
My current workflow is to edit a markdown file and generate an .html which I then attach to the item with the "attach link to file" and/or then copy and paste the html with the different highlighting into a 'Note' but if this could be done in one go would be the top of the skyline.
I think it's conceivable to think of a hook based on the Zotero server API doing this, but that'd likely be a 3rd party project, not something Zotero does.
(that would look something like:
1. monitor the library feed for new or modified notes
2. Retrieve their content as html
3. Write that to a new file and
4. Attach that new file to the same item as the note, replacing previous versions as needed. )