Group Libraries Not Appearing in Plug-In

I am a member of a private group, and I am unable to upload documents to the group using the plug-in. My own personal library appears in the plug-in but the group library does not. Is this an issue for the administrators of the group, or is there something wrong with how I have installed the plug-in?
  • This is almost always due to one of two reasons:
    1) You have Group Libraries collapsed: Click on the little triangle to the left of "Group Libraries" in the client
    2) You haven't synced successfully since joining the group.
  • Is there a way to make sure the sync happens? I see it's supposed to happen automatically, but I have been a member of this group for 4 weeks now, and have had the plug-in downloaded for the same amount of time.
  • click on the sync icon -- the little green arrow -- at the top right of Zotero. Wait until it has ended to spin and make sure there's no exclamation mark next to it to signal an error while syncing.

    Do make sure you've checked 1), though. If it says "Group Libraries" on the bottom left of Zotero, that's very likely the problem.
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