ibid in OSCOLA

Zotero currently formats "Ibid" with a capital "i" at the beginning. To be consistent with the OSCOLA style, it needs to be "ibid" with a lower case "i". Can I change this myself? If not, could it be amended, please? Thanks
  • Even when it starts a footnote?
  • Yes! I know it's bizarre!
  • I think we can actually do that, but I'll have to test, might take a couple of days.
    I don't recall if you're comfortable doing small modifications yourself, but if you are, what I'd try is to set text-case="lowercase" on the ibid term.
  • Thanks Adam. I don't really know how to make modifications - can you give me any guidance on how to set lowercase on ibid, or how to find out? It's just that I have to submit this doc by Friday which might be too soon for the change to have happened...
  • sorry, I couldn't make this happen in time, was travelling, but it's fixed now, FWIW.
  • Thanks so much Adam. It will be really useful for next time!
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