Vancouver style: Why does it show [internet] in my references list?

I work with the zotpress plugin for my job's website and when I add the bibliography on the end of the website it tells me [internet] in the middle of the reference. Is there anything I can do to take that information out.
Scroll down here to see what I mean (2nd reference)

I checked in word and it's the same problem with [internet] in my reference list. Please let me know if there's something I can do.

Thank you!
  • because Vancouver/NLM requires to mark internet sources as such and this is one (as determined by the presence of the URL).
    You can use a different citation style if that's not what you want. There are several Vancouver-derived styles that don't do that.
  • Thank you very much.
    Do you know any other vancouver-derived style that does not have that? And how do I change it in Zotpress without changing every single reference?

    Thank you
  • Any of the Publisher-associated Vancouver styles:
    Elsevier Vancouver, Sage Vancouver, Nature Vancouver (the Springer Vancouver style isn't terribly close to Vancouver).

    In ZotPress, for any give bibliography you can just change the citation style on the right, does that not work?
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