[beta] Continuing issue with sending items to citeproc-js

After the massive update to the CSL JSON export functions that were just added to the beta, I am still getting wrong output for items with data in the 'genre' field.

This is the CSL JSON, so the 'genre' variable is being exported, but it's not showing up in bibliography output. It works fine in the stable release.
"id": 51719,
"type": "thesis",
"title": "Cognitive ability, personality, and experience: evidence for differential impact on job performance factors",
"publisher": "Texas A&M University",
"publisher-place": "College Station, TX",
"genre": "Master's thesis",
"source": "repository.tamu.edu",
"event-place": "College Station, TX",
"URL": "https://repository.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/2417",
"shortTitle": "Cognitive ability, personality, and experience",
"language": "en",
"author": [
"family": "Slaughter",
"given": "Andrew Joseph"
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"accessed": {
"date-parts": [
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