Style error: American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR)

Hi there --

I'm trying to use the AJR style but I'm getting results that are very different from the journal's style guide and having difficulty editing it myself.

The guidelines for authors are here:

My concerns are with the in-text citations and the journal article bibliographic entry format. The main problems I see include:
-citations in text are in () but should be in []
-extra periods in bibliography entries after the journal name and at end of entry
-incorrect abbreviated journal name (for example, shows up as "Am J Roentgenol" but should be AJR")
-page numbers should be inclusive (100-128, not 100-28)
-titles should be in sentence case, with only first word capitalized
-for articles with more than 6 authors, only 3 should be listed, followed by et al.
-no issue numbers or months should appear for journal article bibliography entries.

Can anyone help with this? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
  • Will take a while, unfortunately. We just have that journal link to our Vancouver (i.e. ICMJE) style, which they say they follow, but unfortunately they implemented a number of ideosyncracies. You can probably find a closer match on if you're in a hurry.

    The journal abbreviation issue we can't solve, though: They say they follow index medicus, which has the journal abbreviated as Am J Roentgenol. I see that's not what they use in their examples, but I frankly don't know what to do about that.
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I think I'll just find the closest match I can and edit manually from there.
  • you may find helpful, though YMMV
  • Thanks! Journal of Frailty & Aging is pretty close.
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