Accidentally dragging Note onto a Pdf made Note disappear

I just tried dragging a child note from one bibliographical entry to another, but accidentally dragged it instead to the pdf attached to the other entry. The note seems to have completely disappeared. Has this happened to anybody else? Any tips on how to recover that note (it's not in Trash), or is it lost for good? Thanks!
  • You cannot drag a note to a PDF (or anything but a parent item or no item at all).
    I'm pretty confident that if you're going to try to replicate this yourself, you're not going to be able to.

    My best guess of what would have happened is that you dragged the note between items, which turns it into a Standalone note. Searching for any part of the note you remember in "all fields and tags" mode would have you find it. You could also try to sort by item type in the middle panel.
  • That's precisely what happened - it had turned into a Standalone note. Thanks for your help!
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