Zotero for Word: Converts capitalized proper nouns to lowercase


This entry in bibtex and zotero for firefox:
Title = {Two {Earthquake} {Damage} {Scenarios} for the {Wellington} {Region}},
Author = {Prentice, D},
Institution = {Opus International Consultants Limited, Wellington Office.},
Year = {2005},

Address = {Wellington, New Zealand}


becomes this in bibliography in Word:

Prentice, D, 2005, Two earthquake damage scenarios for the wellington region, Working paper, Opus International Consultants Limited, Wellington Office.
... "

This conversion of capitalized nouns to lowercase applies to pretty much every citation. I use Journal of Finance (validated, et al) as the document preferences for bibliography.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,

  • Journal of Finance (validated, et al)
    is not a style we have in the repository. I don't see how the regular Journal of Finance style we have would do this. I assume it's a problem in a custom style you're using (specifically, it's using text-case="sentence")
  • It worked! Thank you.

    The Journal of Finance style in your repository is very new (2015). I had to find a custom one when I started using the Zotero for Word plugin several years ago.
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