Importing library from Endnote X2

"No translator could be found for the given file" is the message that pops up when I try to import my library database.txt. What is the matter? I already went and updated the translater. thanks.
  • You give no details about what database.txt actually is.

    Export from EndNote to RIS & use an '.ris' file extension.
  • Well, I followed the directions given by Zotero for exporting the Endnote data base, by changing the output style to BibTeX, then exporting, to make a text-only file with extension .txt. I didn't see any information about RIS and don't know what that is. I wish there was more direct phone support help with this. It looks like a great program if the bugs can get worked out.
  • I responded to you in the other thread. BibTeX should work too, but RIS is recommended. Download and use:

    The response time here tends to be fairly good, but you might ask if your library would support Zotero. (I'm sure you'd be able to find someone willing to take your money if phone support was a must, though.)
  • Try RIS, but please send the undetected BibTeX file to, referring to this thread.
  • The file you sent isn't a RIS file, but from your follow-up e-mail it sounds like you got it working.
  • Hi, Im having trouble exporting from endnote x2/importing into zotero - not sure which.

    I think i followed the instructions laid out in the other threads here. I switched my style to RIS and exported to a text file, still getting the "No translator could be found for the given file" error.

    I'll email this comment plus my export file to

    Thanks so much for your help in advance, I am really excited about the prospect of migrating from endnote!!!

  • What you sent is not a RIS file. RIS files have entries like TY - , TI - , etc.
  • Thanks Sean for the reply,
    It looks like the problem for me is exporting from endnote rather than anything to do with Zotero. I'll have another couple of tries at the export.
  • Finally got it to export in the proper RIS format with tags included, i had to save the ris file as myfilename.ris.

    thanks again...
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