Error in Environmental microbiology style

Have a differences between references made by environmental-microbiology.csl and references style in journal articles: wrong citation in text of articles with the same author and year, presense of points in journal abbreviations in bibliography.
  • wrong citation in text of articles with the same author and year
    what specifically is wrong there?
  • .csl style presents references as (the same first author, another second author et al., the same year), journal articles (e.g., use letter (the same first author et al., the same year a, b etc.)
    In bibliography a, b etc. are used also.
  • "Articles with more than two authors should follow those of the first named author in chronological order; with multiple references from the same first author in a given year, please list the references in cited order."
  • edited April 24, 2015
    edit: nevermind, I get it now.
  • And points in journal abbreviations in bibliography:
    in drop down menu in Style Repository no points, but in bibliography in article they are presense.
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