problem with import of urls from bibtex
I just discovered zotero and its really good. I just hit a problem however with importing bibtex databases made using other apps / web systems like Jabref, Connotea etc. This involves articles from NASA ADS (thats all I have tried so far...). Take for example the reference Antonucci 1984, which has URL
this exports correctly, but when imported from a .bib file I get⋯278..499A
Then the nice "view" button in the right hand pane doesn't work - this is very annoying, as its a key feature for browsing one's library. This problem seems to hit a lot of ADS URLs but not all - haven't tried to look for the pattern yet.
this exports correctly, but when imported from a .bib file I get⋯278..499A
Then the nice "view" button in the right hand pane doesn't work - this is very annoying, as its a key feature for browsing one's library. This problem seems to hit a lot of ADS URLs but not all - haven't tried to look for the pattern yet.
And, of course, in references you've already imported, you can just replace the horizontal ellipses with three periods.
I would really like to be able to edit the bibtex citekey, but I see that discussion is active elsewhere....