Style request: Recherches en Sciences de Gestion


The Recherches en Sciences de Gestion ( citation style requires:
- article references to look like that (F is the first letter of the given name) : Name F., « Article Title », Journal name, tome XXXII, N°3, month, date, p3.-33.
- book references to look like that:
Name F., Book title in italics, Editor, Place, date.

After some research, it appears the best base to start with is in the Zotero repository under the following name: "Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (author-date, French)".

In the bibliography:
-Would you please be able to tell me how to put the author names in small caps in this citation style?
I am stuck as I cannot find the text adamsmith was refering to in other styles (see this thread:
-Would you also please be able to tell me how to remove the parentheses for the year?
In the text:
-Would you please tell me how to put (Author 1 et al., date) when there are 3 authors or more?
-Would you also please tell me how to remove the pages when it shows (auhtor name date, pages)?

I think these are the only changes to be made.
Thank you very much in advance!
  • Could anyone help me please?
  • adamsmith, would you please have some time to save me?
    I have contacted the journal and they can't help me as they are not used to Zotero.
  • edited May 4, 2015
    FYI, this style could also be useful for these journals, which are not in the Zotero Style repository:

    Billoski, T.V. Introduction to Paleontology, Institutional Press, New York, 1992.
    Morehouse, S.I. and R.S. Tung "Statistical evidence for early extinction of reptiles due to the K/T event," Journal of Paleontology, (17:2), 1993, pp 198-209.
    Schwartz, M.T. and T.V. Billoski. "Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction." In Jones, B. T. and N. V. Lovecraft (Eds.), Extinction, Barnes and Ellis, New York.

    Billoski, T.V. Introduction to Paleontology, Institutional Press, New York, 1992.
    Morehouse, S.I. and R.S. Tung "Statistical evidence for early extinction of reptiles due to the K/T event," Journal of Paleontology, (17:2), 1993, pp 198-209.
    Schwartz, M.T. and T.V. Billoski. "Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction." In Jones, B. T. and N. V. Lovecraft (Eds.), Extinction, Barnes and Ellis, New York.
  • edited May 4, 2015
    The style is close to the [Academic medecine] style which is in the repository ( but it should be with:
    - the (author-date) format in the text
    - article titles in inverted commas
    - and auhtor names in small capitals.

    Could someone help me please?
  • Dear @lokacee
    I'd like to move this forward. Can you please send a link to the online documentation outlining their reference style? (and all the other questions here:

  • Good evening damnation. Thank you for the support. Here is the online documentation: 2014/Normes de présentation janvier 2014.pdf
  • edited January 24, 2017
    Can you check the link I sent over 4 days ago and post everything as needed and also supply a sample publication (I don't have access). Ideally one written in english and one in french in order to compare what they do with the different languages regarding the citation style.

    I've started making the style.

    There is currently no default-locale set as it's a trilingual journal. I think in Zotero and Mendeley one can choose the language and then it adapts?

    Have a look at this very rough draft of the style. There will be plenty of small issues as their documentation is crap and I don't have any of their papers as well as you didn't provide us with the requested examples. ;)
  • Hi damnation, yes their documentation is crap. Thank you for your help. How can I upload a sample article here?

    It is mainly a French journal. Could you please update and set up a default-locale as French?
  • You can email it to me. You'll find my mail in the citation style. ;)
  • edited June 24, 2017
    Thanks for sending that over.
    Few more questions:
    all the cited literature (in the bibliography) in that article has a max of 4 authors. Can you find one where there is more authors and see if they shorten it with "et al." or if they list ALL authors, even if it's 50.

    Also this style is in English in that paper. They use "" and vol. and not tome. Can't you find if that is the norm or the exception.

    I've made some more changes to it.

    edit: style is now available: en Sciences de Gestion
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