font size of author-date citations in footnotes


I recently changed from Endnote to Zotero and I am quite happy with it. I managed to create my own CSL-file today and I am quiete happy with it.

Ther is one last problem, I cannot resolve on my own.

When I am entering a citation into a content footnote (I use an author-date format in general) it always has a 12pt font size and not the footnote size of 10pt. Everytime I change the size, it popps back to 12pt as soon as I enter the next citation (and all refreshes).
Is there any possibility to fix this problem (preferably define the size in the CSL-format or something else permanent)? If not, it would still be great if there could at last be a solution to prevent the citation the rechange its size to 12pt after I changed it to 10pt.

Thanks for any idea (as I am trying to fix this for hours and have to finish a paper tomorrow)!

  • edited November 20, 2008
    I'm the author of CSL. I'm not willing to add font-size configuration, because it would add a lot of problems, and I really believe the problem here is Zotero-specific. Zotero should be matching the citation text with the surrounding citation style; not adding font-size information.

    This is a general problem that touches on other issues, BTW.
  • Hi bdarcus,

    Thanks for your information. So, you think that there is no solution for my problem other than having my (sometimes long) footnotes in 12pt?
    That would mean that I would have to go back to endnote, because I cite so often in footnotes.

    Or: How can I combine in-text author-date citation with citations in footnotes in one csl-file? Than I would just edit the footnotes afterwords...

    Thanks again!
  • You can reformat them after the fact. I agree that CSL doesn't seem like the right place to fix it.

    Zotero currently uses the default style for the bibliography. It seems like it should use a different style (e.g. one named "Zotero bibliography") instead. Then you'd be able to apply changes to that separate style.
  • Hi,

    I always try to reformat, but it will always go back to the initial 12pt :-(

    And I am fine with my bibliography style (It took me hours to learn how and where to change the CSL-file...).

    Thank you anyway!
  • Are you using Word? Try to use formatting styles to control the layout, instead of applying font sizes directly to stretches of text.
  • Great. Thank you! That works out for me!
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