Abstract field missing
Zotero appears to be missing an abstract field (e.g. for a journal article). Its an important and useful part of a reference, and is supported by other reference management systems, so I am not sure why its missing from zotero. Can it be added?
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I would prefer to have the abstract as a separate field (from notes) so that I could just have my personal notes in that field but will use notes as a workaround.
Is there a code that would pull it from the RIS file and put it in the notes field? For instance, if you stick in 'KY - ' in front of some words, zotero puts them in as tags (which is really cool).
From the ScienceDirect site, I asked to export citation and abstract in RIS format. Zotero happily captures those. I then export these citations out of Zotero again using RIS format. I then edit the resulting file, changing the tag of the note field from "N1" to "AB." I can then import this edited file into JabRef with the abstract field intact and recognized as an abstract.