Rename files of the item and directly drag or export multiple files from collection

1. Sometimes I want to rename the file of the item in my way, but there is just one option "rename file from parent metadata". Is there any other ways to deal with it?
2. When some classmates want some files from me, I just select all files in my collection and drag them into one folder. However nothing happens. Is there any ways to do this?
  • 1. Click the file name in the right hand pane and you will be able to rename it manually.

    2. I'll have to get back to you on this, but which OS are you using?
  • edited March 30, 2015
    The OS of my computer is Win7. I can select the file of the item and drag them into one folder one by one. It is very annoying. And it would be better if we can rename file by just single clicking the file.
  • Check out the Zotfile plugin for fully customizable file renaming.
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