PDF retrieval error
I'm getting the "unexpected error" message when importing metadata for a PDF. I looked through the forums and tried to install the beta, but no luck.
http://jeffhuang.com/Final_StarcraftSpectator_CHI11.pdf as the test PDF.
Error report number: 1799324977
I'm getting the "unexpected error" message when importing metadata for a PDF. I looked through the forums and tried to install the beta, but no luck.
http://jeffhuang.com/Final_StarcraftSpectator_CHI11.pdf as the test PDF.
Error report number: 1799324977
No change, still get the error. Not for all PDFs, it seems: just successfully retrieved metadata for another one.
I'm assuming it says CrossRef, which is the first thing Zotero tries. Google scholar seems to be failing.
How about importing directly from google scholar via URL bar icon, e.g. http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=labor+market does that work?
go to google scholar, click on the arrow on the webpage at the top right-->settings and at the bottom under "Bibliography Manager" select "Show links to Import into BibTex"
Click on Save, return to the google scholar page and see if you can now import via URL bar icon.
If not, see what happens when you click on the BibTex link that should now show.
If you can, try retrieve metadata for an item that previously failed now.
about two lines above the debug output that Dan posted above there should be a line that looks something like:
HTTP GET http://scholar.google.com/scholar.bib?q=info:UU8UCRi9c9QJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,24&ct=citation&cd=1&output=citation
Is that in the Debug?
@whuber -- if you follow that link, what exactly do you see?
Your client does not have permission to get URL /scholar.bib?q=info:UU8UCRi9c9QJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,24&ct=citation&cd=1&output=citation from this server. (Client IP address:
Please see Google's Terms of Service posted at http://www.google.com/terms_of_service.html
That’s all we know.
I'm guessing that these steps will work and it's really changing the setting to display the BibTeX link that Zotero is unable to do. The only way we've seen this happen is if your cookie privacy settings are too restrictive as outlined on the troubleshooting page in 10.I. I suppose it would also be possible if you have some third-party extension that imposes additional cookie restrictions. whuber (or Dan) do you have any extensions installed that may be interfering? Can you disable other extensions and try importing from a Google Scholar page again?
I've set Scholar to display BiBTeX information, and still not able to visit http://scholar.google.com/scholar.bib?q=info:UU8UCRi9c9QJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,24&ct=citation&cd=1&output=citation or import PDF metadata.
I've just disabled them all, and it worked. Then I re-enabled them one by one, and it still works. Not really sure what it happened, but for the time being, I'm able to import PDF metadata, and finally the cookie for my Google Scholar settings seems to be persisting between restarts. Thanks for your help, I'll reopen this if it comes back (although it is starting to look like a Firefox/XUL issue, rather than a Zotero issue.)