Translator for Hathi Trust a Shared digital repository

It's new... but It will become a very important repository.

There is a bĂȘta search engine on this page:

All scholars should read the presentation of this projet, I think!!!
  • Yes, I'd like a translator for Hathi Trust, too --
  • Yes, that looks like it'd be worth a translator.
    Note that you can already get one-click imports by clicking on the "Export to Endnote" button. (With the "Use Zotero to Import RIS/Refer file..." option checked in the general Zotero preferences).
  • Will there be a translator for HathiTrust soon? A major bibliographical resource.
  • yes, almost done.
  • edited October 31, 2011
    Disregard this post - a translator is now up. see below

    OK, I could use some help testing this - it should work for all items from
    both search results and individual items. Data isn't always going to be perfect, especially for unpublished sources.

    I've not done since those pages have working COinS which seems to do fine.

    Please report all problems with as much detail as possible and with a URL.

    To install the translator, download it from: Trust.js
    (right-click --> save link as) and save it into the translator folder of your Zotero data directory
  • disregard the instructions above - with ajlyon's help a translator for Hathi Trust is now up, it will automatically show up in your Zotero within 24hs or you can manually update translators from the general tab of the Zotero preferences.

    We _are_ still interested in any testing results you may have using the translator, though. As I say above, we won't be able to fix all poor data, but especially if you spot something that looks systematic that would be helpful.
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