Export Zotero collection from OSX10.7 => import to Win8

I have just tried to export a collection from my zotero library from a Mac with OSX 10.7.5/FF36.0.1/ Zot to a computer running Win8 with Zotero SA It gave an error-message saying: "An error occured while trying to import the selected file. Please ensure that the file is valid and try again."

Is this because there are different versions of zotero involved? Or different OSes? Or is there another reason?
  • edited March 16, 2015
    I have accomplished this by syncing my Mac library to the Zotero online; then, installing Zotero on the Win machine (with no direct attempt to transfer the library). Finally, log into your online Zotero account from your Win machine and sync. If your library is large this can take some time.

    Syncing will allow you to transfer your pdf files and notes with the connections to your Zotero library intact.
  • okay, thanks for the tipp.
  • Export should work, of course, and you should provide a Report ID if it doesn't, but note that, if you're just trying to use the same library on multiple computers, you should use syncing instead, as DWL-SDCA says.
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