Error when using Zotero extension for OO3


I just installed the Zotero extension for OO3. When I use the ReferenceMarks style it seems to work fine, but if I want to switch to Bookmarks (after I used the previous one) I get the next error. Also, if I start with the Bookmark style I can add citation and the bibliography but when I try to edit the bibliography I get again the same error.

I tried to follow the troubleshooting advice to enable but I couldn't find this option. When I open the Extension Manager (in OO3.0.0) my only options for Zotero are Disable and Remove. The Options... button is not accessible.

I am getting the next error:

BASIC runtime error.
An exception occured

In an opened window I get highlighted:

oDupRange = thisComponent.currentController.viewCursor.Text.createTextCursorByRange(oMark.Anchor)

  • Bookmarks mode doesn't work in version 1.0b4 and earlier of the OpenOffice plugin. It's fixed in 2.0a2, which is only compatible with the 1.5 Sync Preview of Zotero.
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