extra space between footnotes

sometimes i get an extra space between each footnote, like a double spacing, even though the setting is single. It is a space that only occurs sometimes, and which i have not been able to remove.
What do i do?
  • I don't see how Zotero would do that. Footnote formatting is handled by your Word processor (even where Zotero inserts the footnote), so you'll have to look there for a solution.
  • Ok but i am not sure where to find this. I am using word 2011 for mac, and i think the problem has to do with the diffrent styles between footnotes and zotero-footnotes. I sometimes add non-zotero footnotes to just add extra information and these end up looking different from the zotero footnotes. Different size for instance on the numbers indicating the footote. I think the extra spacing occurs when a zotero note comes after a non-zotero note and may have to do with the different settings.

    Basically i need to figure out how to make the two styles correspond to one another. Anyone who knows how to do this?

  • do you know how to work with Word Styles? Zotero inserts footnotes using the default footnote style. You should be able to modify that. You should also be able to see if regular footnotes are inserted using a different style.
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