drag and drop to endnote?

hi folks,

while i plan on using zotero in my workflow, i'm not using it as my only repository for the time being. So, I was wondering if there's been any thought towards making a drag-and-drop interface work to import references to endnote? It would be easier than saving to an RIS file and importing from endnote.

Perhaps it is impossible, I'm not quite sure how that works. But I would imagine it's possible, since one can click a button and import references from webpages into endnote...

  • Using Zotero's "quick copy" feature, you can already drag-and-drop RIS (or other formats) to a desktop application. I do not know if EndNote will import RIS text that has been dragged into it. If it can, the feature you request would seem to exist. If it can't, it seems like a feature request to make to EndNote's developers.
  • hmm, i still get the circle with the line through it when i drag and drop onto endnote with quickcopy set to RIS. I suppose that's an endnote issue then. thanks for the tip.
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