'Exclude author' for in-text citation

First of all, thanks for this great tool. I am fed up with EndNote and hope Zotero will prove to be more hassle-free and that the transition from EndNote to Zotero will be as smooth as possible.

I imported all my references into Zotero but I'm not sure if I have to do anything else in order for the in-text citations (which are Word fields) to be 'aware' that they are now managed by Zotero.

Also, I would like to be able to exclude either the author or the year from an in-text citation. In EndNote, you could do this by right-clicking on the field and choosing Edit Citation|Exclude Author. How can this be done in Zotero?

  • You can use the suppress author button in the word plugin to get rid of author names for in-text citations.

    Zotero's word plugin and Endnote's word-plugin are not compatible. That is to say that there is no way to switch Endnote references in a word document to Zotero references.
  • Hi, thanks for your reply.

    If they are not compatible then I assume the point of importing EndNote references into Zotero must be for non-Word users. Still, for a Word 2007 user, how should the transition from EndNote to Zotero be done without having to manually reinsert each in-text citation?
  • It is probably best to make the switch at a natural ending point for a project. Most people continue to use Endnote with their old work and transition to Zotero for new projects.
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