
Hi, I'm having troubles when citing more than one source. Zotero then inserts brackets around every source seperately (e.g. (Meier, 2011) (Müller, 2001) but what I want is (Meier, 2011; Müller 2001)). What do I have to do to insert all citations into one set of brackets?
I use the APA citation style.
Thanks very much for answers!
  • When selecting sources, in the insert citation dialog, select all the sources at the same time. For the "e.g." part, you'll have to add that as a prefix to the first reference (click on it in the insert citation dialog)
  • We should add ability to add prefix/suffix to the whole citation, rather than just individual cites.
  • @aurimas: That could be more user-friendly but it seems already pretty straightforward to me (i.e. to add a prefix to the first reference/ a suffix to the last one).

    But there could be something like a prefix (and a suffix) bubble, with a label "Add a prefix". The bubble would display the text of the prefix once the user would have typed it.
  • no, this isn't so much about user-friendliness as it is about robustness (at least that's what I think aurimas is saying -- that's why I'd like that ability):
    there are citation styles that sort in text citations chronologically and those that do so alphabetically.
    Without the ability to set a prefix/suffix for the entire citation, changing between these types of styles will mess up the citation.
    Same for adding an item to a citation.
  • Thanks a lot for your answers, that is very helpful!
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