Zotfile trouble: How can I download pdfs when using Dropbox as target folder

I have just installed Zotfile and have been liking the promise of integrating it into Zotero to handle pdfs. I'm trying to create a workflow with it and Zotpad so that I can annotate pdfs on my tablet.

Here's the problem: Now that Zotfile and Zotero point to a Dropbox folder for pdfs, the FF version and Standalone refuse to download the pdfs from references I gather. I get the metadata and a snapshot, though.

Any thoughts about how I might have misconfigured things? Otherwise I can't see how Zotfile will be helpful.

Extra thanks to anyone who would be willing to share their set-up workflow settings for Standalone/Zotfile/Zotpad!

  • probably didn't see my edit: we'd need URLs where you're trying this from.
  • edited February 24, 2015
    oh if this is proquest: if you're accessing ProQuest through a proxy and using Zotero Standalone, PDFs won't download.
    Either find a solution w/o proxy (e.g. on campus or VPN) or use just the Firefox add-on (you need to set up the ZotFile add-on there separately).
  • Finally, any particular reason you want to be using Standalone?
  • Adamsmith, thanks again, that works. I just need to be able to access my zotero library offline sometimes so assumed that standalone was the best bet. If there is a better approach, I'd be glad to hear it.
  • edited February 24, 2015
    the Firefox add-on is accessible offline in just the same way as Standalone is. Both save all data locally and allow (but don't require) you to sync it to the cloud.

    Main asset of Standalone is that it allows you to work with other browsers. (Some people also like having it run outside of their browser, e.g. so you don't have a browser open when writing)
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