Translation issue swedish UI - duplicate names of items in advanced search fields.


When using Zotero under swedish UI, the alternatives that pops up in advanced search, shows two item types that share the name "Anteckningar"
I've posted elsewhere to help improve the swedish translations, but here I'm clueless as to which one is which. The most likely possible enliglish orgiginal items would be "annotations" and "notes", but then again, I'm not even sure what the difference between those to are input-wise. If they are the ones translated alike, and the item types are listed alphabetically, then:
Is there any way to tell which "antecknignar" corresponds to what field?
  • Could it be note and abstract?
  • couldn't you just search for antecknignar on transifex? I thought that was possible.
  • yeah, it's note and annotation. Note comes first. (btw, it's Anteckning... that took a while to spot)

    I actually had to look up what annotation even means in Zotero context, which is the old web page annotation feature that was removed in Zotero 4.0 beta almost 2 years ago. Unfortunately, we may have to keep it for people that still have annotations in old snapshots. We could maybe filter it out if there are no annotations in the DB. Idk what Dan plans for that.
  • Thank you both for your comments.
    Sorry for the misspell and the extra work it caused.

    @adamsmith - I didn't know about transifex, or any other way of figuring out which one was which.

    @aurimas - great, that answers my question.
    Leaving the future of "annotations" to others, would it be possible to just rename the second "anteckning" to something else, for now? A suggestion would be "Anteckning i webbsida" (Annotation in web page) or "Webbsidesanteckning" (Web page annotation) - a word that I made up just now (still a proper word, though). The benefit of the latter translation would be that less people likely would try to use it, as it would end up among the last alternatives.
    there is a very active team leader for Swedish. Ask to join the team and maybe touch base on this.
    Anything is better than the status quo. If there is a shorter solution that will look better in the GUI, so would be preferred That could maybe (not knowing any Swedish but going by the German choices here, which have "Notiz" for Note and "Anmerkung" for Annotation) also include renaming "Note" to something different--isn't "Not" a word? But anyway, better to bring this up there.
  • I've joined the swedish transifex team as suggested. I'll see what we can do. There are two similar "homonyms" ("Nummer" and "Utgivare") at the same place. The UI is otherwise excellently translated.
    I agree that shorter is better. I'll discuss the alternatives on transifex.
    (Yes "Not" is a word, with multiple meanings. In this context it would probably be understood as a short for footnote).
  • excellent, thanks. New translations usually get pulled in before every Zotero release.
  • When using Zotero under swedish UI, the alternatives that pops up in advanced search, shows two item types that share the name "Anteckningar
    I didn't read the full thread but that reminds me that : (which caused a bug, now fixed, cf. Dan's last post)
  • "Annotations" is now translated to "Kommentarer".
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