Citing archival sources - "from smaller to larger" or reverse - any suggestions for best practice?


I use Zotero to cite archival sources as well as litterature for my dissertation. For that purpose I created a CSL style to match the style used the dissertation series at my department (History, Uppsala, Sweden).

The style guidelines accepts two different ways to cite archive materials, from "smallest to largest" (literally) or reverse.
The way I set up the CSL goes from large to small type of collecion.

e.g "ARAB, RH, vol.3, Brev från RH till AF 1.5.1938"
that is:
Archive (ARAB)- Collection (RH) - Volume/Folder - Title ("Brev...) - Date

In Zotero I fill in archive under Archive (obviously) and Collection and Volume under "Archive location" (e.g "RH, vol.3"). Those two fields corresponds to "archive" and "archive_location" in the CSL.

For my own purposes that´s all fine. I however would like to contribute the style, when finished, to the CSL repos, so that our students can use it as well, and to promote the use of Zotero in general.

The problem is that I can find no way to enable both "from largest to smallest", and "from smallest to largest" without having to change the input in the corresponding Zotero right pane.

I can change the order of "archive" and "archive_location" in the CSL and save a copy as "from small to large", but as far as I can tell there´s no way that the input in Zotero can be the same regardless of wich archive output order the students want to use.
They have to write "RH, vol.1" or "vol.1, RH"

I simply need three field for archival sources for CSL output to be independent of Zotero input.
Call number could work (e.g. "vol.1"), but then my next problem occurs: users will make inputs that most styles will not render. The most frequent use among the main styles seem to be "archive_location" , "archive". (I´m yet to figure out what "archive-place" does).

I´ve read most of the forum dicussions on using Zotero for archival sources, and I know that there will never be one way to write a CSL that will match all variants of citing archives. But there´s seem to be a lot of experience within the forum on using Zotero for archival reseach, so I might as well ask.

Any and every suggestion on what would be a "best practice" for the CSL would be greatly appreciated.
  • It seems likely that when the Item Fields are updated in a future update, a third Archive field will be added, so you would be able to store the three pieces of data separately. Until then, your best bet is to choose the style that you most frequently use (smallest-to-largest or largest-to-smallest) and enter your data to match it.
  • Thanks for your reply!
    Yes, I read somewhere about the addition of fields for archival use. Any idea if that is likely to be implemented in the next update?
    I seem to already have the CSL setup as you described. Good news indeed.

    Just one more thing while on topic.
    The variable "archive-place" in the CSL - does anyone have an idea as to what Zotero field that would correspond? I can't figure that one out ("archive" and "archive_location" I get).
    I use Chicago full note as a template and noticed "archive-place" in the code, where it would only make sense if there was three archive fields in Zotero already.
    Or am I missing something (probably am)?
  • It's not currently used in Zotero. No ETA on when this might get implemented. I can't find that much discussion on it, so it may not be any time soon, but someone else probably knows better.
  • Now I get the "archive-place" thing, thanks aurimas! (And yes, I was missing something.)
    Still good news though, it means that I can delete a line of code that I don´t need in the CSL.
    A third archive field would be a great idea, though.

    Now I can also tell my students why they have to fill in their data a certain way.
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