Problem(s) converting from Chicago to MLA?


I'm trying to convert the referencing format on a word document from Chicago to MLA, but I'm experiencing a couple of difficulties.

All the references are converted except for one, which is retained in the Chicago style as a footnote and I can't think why this is. Could it be an error/problem in the way in which the data was initially inputted into Zotero?

The other concerns page numbers in the 'Works Cited' bibliography section at the end of the text. Zotero isn't pulling through page ranges for periodicals cited. Is there any obvious solution for this problem, such as changing the style of entry in the database (e.g. selecting 'Magazine' rather than 'Journal' etc?

Any guidance gratefully received.

  • Problem is likely that you manually edited that one reference--just delete and re-insert.

    Page numbers for journal articles should be cited in MLA -- this is the regular MLA style? And you're sure you have the page range in Zotero? How about when you try this in a fresh/empty document?
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your help; I tried the fixes you suggested, and they worked.

    Many thanks,

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