Report ID: 295014583

First of all: is this the proper way to report bugs? Wouldn't Github or something similar make more sense?

There's a nasty bug that I've come across, here's how to reproduce it:

1- Click on any folder in your Zotero library.
2- Press F2 to change the name.
3- Attempt to use the 'minus' symbol in the new folder name.

Warning: try it on a dummy folder.

In my case this generates a super weird behaviour that's very hard for me to describe.

Can anyone else confirm this?

  • this is the right place (the github issue tracker would be unmanageable, especially since users are often wrong about what is and what isn't a bug, plus it requires a separate login).
    This is a known issue, but it's not actually particularly nasty: all that happens is that all collections collapse.
  • Ok, I just think a forum is not a suitable place for reporting bugs. There are dedicated sites to do such a thing (Github, Launchpad, etc), that are designed to allow developers and users to track, manage, report, comment bugs, etc. This just feels very wrong.

    Anyway, in my case it doesn't just collapse the whole collection, the folder can't be renamed (it stays as if waiting for an input) and the only way to get out of that is by reloading Zotero.

    I also lost a couple of folder names until I realized what I was doing.
  • edited February 3, 2015
    This just feels very wrong.
    well, but it _works_ really well. You can rest assured that Zotero devs are aware of github and launchpad and decided against using them on purpose.

    But no, can't reproduce your issue. Which Zotero version, which OS?
  • Isn't all that data in the Report ID (295014583)?

    Zotero v4.0.25.2, elementary OS 0.2
  • Can you generally use + and - to expand/collapse collections?
  • No, using + and - will always expand/collapse the *entire* library.

    The <- and -> arrows work fine though (for collapsing/expanding).
  • right, that's what I meant, so that's working correctly. I'll see if I can replicate this on a linux system.
  • I can reproduce this. You can "get out" of the edit box by selecting another collection and pressing F2 again (at least on Windows).
  • Presumably you can copy/paste the minus sign into the edit box until this is fixed, although that's a bit clumsy.
  • oh, the workaround is easier--just using right-click --> Rename Collection instead of F2 does the trick, since that opens a separate pop-up.

    But I _am_ now able to reproduce weird behavior with F2. It still collapses the library when entering a hyphen, but it appears to rename _other_ collections, which is presumably worse.
    I wonder whether we shouldn't just disable F2 until there's a proper fix.
  • The fix will be included in 4.0.26, which we'll put out soon.
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