search string question

I'm trying to search for an exact string "Lowe" as in Scott W. Lowe. However when I use quotations I also include lower, lowest, etc in the search. Is there any way to search for an exact string? In mac finder the quotations result in an exact search.

Additionally using advanced search, there does not appear to be an exact match option, only contains, is, is not. When I use the "is" search for creator with search string "Lowe" I get zero hits, despite having several references.

Sorry if I've missed something simple. Thanks for any help.
  • I don't think there is an exact word match, no.
    Creator -- is -- Scott W. Lowe
    will work.
  • Thanks for the quick reply. The above string is what I'm currently using, but it unfortunately misses a number of the references due to heterogeneity in the way the name is represented among different reference entries.

    Maybe a future feature request then for exact string search :)
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