Double indentations in citations generated with Zotero

I first reported this problem on the xbiblio mailing-list*, but I figured out it is really a Zotero bug.

The SAA style** requires that each citation in the bibliography starts with the authors on the first line, flush with the left, with the rest of the citation-output on a new line that indents (see for examples page 24 in the style guide). It is my understanding that to achieve this, I have to set both the hanging-indent option to true and the author text to display as block, as in (this isn't a correct style, but it shows the point when pasted into csledit.xul):

<style xmlns="" xml:lang="en" class="in-text">
<option name="hanging-indent" value="true"/>
<text value="author" display="block"/>
<text value="other data"/>

The problem is that when both the option hanging-indent is set to true, and the first text field is displayed as a block, that also the author field indents. I looked in cite.js*** in the 1.0 branch, and I was wondering whether the following code:

2853 if(this.option.(@name == "hanging-indent").@value == "true") {
2854 addBefore += '<div style="text-indent:0.5in;">'
2855 } else {
2856 addBefore += '<div>';
2857 }
2858 addAfter = '</div>';

shouldn't just be:

2853 addBefore += '<div>';
2854 addAfter = '</div>';

I changed this in my local copy, and it fixes the problem, but I'm not completely convinced I fixed it the correct way.

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