iranian distribution of Zotero (pajoohyar)

there is an Iranian distribution of Zotero named pajoohyar, and they sell it by about 10$ for each license!

they Claim making some changes for Arabic, Persian citation style, that may useful to other Zotero users using this languages.

* note 1: zotero web site doesn't work in Iran directly! and i use VPN to browse it, is there some limitation to Iranian users?
  • there is short release note in Persian,
    may i translate it if it interested to developers.
  • I'd be very surprised if Zotero blocked anyone; I assume that's your government/ISP.

    From a legal point of view, what they're doing is a bit sketchy--while you are allowed to sell Zotero derivatives, you're supposed to release the code under an equivalent license. But I doubt anyone is going to raise much of a fuss about this unless they're trying to sell in the US or Europe ;).
  • as Arabic, Persian, ... user
    most important feature is replace (,) with the right to left one (،)
    (;) with (؛)

    we do this manually for each reference
  • attarfar: Can you give an example? We can't do anything about the blocking, unfortunately, but we can certainly try to fix any usability issues in Zotero proper that are affecting Iranian users.
  • Oh, looks like you followed up on that issue in this thread:
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