keep freezing (saying not responding)


My zotero keeps freezing on my laptop. It works fine on my desktop. on the laptop, after i click the shortcut icon to start the program, it says Zotero (Not Responding) and that's it. Restarted computer mutliple times. not a single time I can log in. please help.

Laptop is:
Win 8.1 64 bit OS
i7; 256 ssd; dedicated graphic card; so very fast
zotero latest version (cannot check because frozen)


  • How long have you let it run when it says "not responding"? Is there any data in the library for Standalone?
  • If the laptop has a touchscreen, you'll need to let it go until it completes and then close the tag selector in the bottom left to fix this. There's a strange issue with touchscreen PCs that haven't yet fixed.
  • (If that's the case, see this thread for details, and subscribe to it for updates. You may be able to kill the Windows touch processes mentioned there to speed it up so that you can get in and close the tag selector.)
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