too many FNs?

I think I've just realized, in a 2-3 years delay (and I apologize to myself if this makes me an idiot) why it's taking ages for Zotero to add footnotes to my document. Is it that I have more than 900 of them in a 240 page document? Does that take a toll each and every time I want to add one individual footnote? Is that also why it takes a long time for the box where I type in the bibliographic item to pull up?

And if so - nothing I can do about it, huh? just split the file to smaller pieces? and what happens when I want to stick them together eventually? I do want the fn numbers to run from 1 ad eternum.


  • that's right. Splitting the file up while you write works well and re-assembling it later is not a problem. It's what I did with my ~300p dissertation (as have many others).
    What does get lost--or rather become impossible--is cross-references no inserted by Zotero (Zotero will update it's cross-references).
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