My Library--Categories and List Index

Browser is Firefox 35 on Windows 7 PC.
When I'm adding item to Z, I get list of all items in Library, including one just added, but:
1) half are not alpha-indexed;
2) tag categories do not appear on screen.
Is something happening re compatibility with browser, or is there some icon I need to click on, or other simple solution?
  • Sorry, I'm not understanding either of these. Neither "alpha indexing" nor "tag categories" are things that exist under those names in Zotero, so you'll have to describe this in more detail.
  • Apologies. I'm a newbie.
    After adding an item to My Library, I click on Zotero, and get a large field, filling the screen, that's divided vertically into three parts.
    1. On the left of the large screen, I see a folder icon for My Library, and under that I used to see a list of subjects that I used for reference when I was creating tags or that I clicked on when I wanted to find a list of titles with a particular tag. Now, I can no longer have the list of subjects available. In that area, the screen is blank.
    2. In the middle of the large screen, I see a list of titles. I have about 400. Down to mid-screen, the titles are listed in alphabetical order. After that, they're not in any order at all that I can discern.
    3. On the right of the large screen, I see the item I've just added to My Library, with a menu of "Info", "Notes", "Tags", "Related." I can add tags just fine (as long as I can remember the subjects I want, since I can no longer see them).
    What I want to do is restore the list of subjects previously available, and to get the whole list of titles into alphabetical order.
    I hope this helps you to understand my problem.
  • 1. Zotero has tags and collections. Assuming you do mean tags, the tag selector on the left can be minimized by clicking on it's top and can be activated again by clicking and/or clicking and dragging at the bottom of the left panel. This is how'd would look:

    2. If you click on any of the other columns, does sort work?

    3. Sounds normal. Tags do have autocomplete, though, in the right-hand panel, so once you start typing, you'd get autocomplete options.
  • Adam--
    1. The "Collections and Tags" instruction page worked fine and I was able to get all the tags into view.
    2. I never could find any option that said "Sort", and I even lost the whole list of titles entirely at one point, but I just fiddled with everything I could, and when I finally got the list of titles back they were all in alphabetical order, exactly as I wanted.
    3. Yes, I never had any problem with adding tags in the right-hand panel. Thank you for correcting my language to "autocomplete" from "quickfill."
    All in all, I've learned a lot, and am back on track, and I really appreciate your help with some questions much more basic than you're used to dealing with, I guess.
  • no, this is pretty standard. I just wasn't sure what you were referring to intially. Glad to hear things are working again (you can sort column in the middle panel simply by clicking on the column header)
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